As Seen on HGTV: Farmhouse Restoration in Ontario, Canada

Brother and sister duo Carolyn Wilbrink and Billy Pearson grew up on their family’s farm in Ontario. Carolyn is an interior designer, whose contemporary designs and work ethic are both inspired by her agrarian upbringing. Billy, an experienced construction contractor, brings an element of custom craftsmanship to each of his projects. Together, they host the renovation series "Farmhouse Facelift on HGTV."

Carolyn and Billy's clients, Chris and Lauren, purchased their dream home in Ontario from Chris's parents. Chris and Lauren hoped to transform this property into a family home and a base for Lauren’s holistic nutrition business, however, the space needed as serious overhaul. Carolyn and Billy delivered a modern farmhouse renovation, merging contemporary style with traditional farmhouse design elements. The result is a warm and inviting atmosphere, perfect for a combined home and home-office.

A high-performing kitchen appliance suite
A high-performing kitchen appliance suite

A suite of Bertazzoni Professional Series appliances brings the highest tier of performance to this revamped farmhouse kitchen. The kitchen comes with a sixteen foot island, where family and guests can congregate or share a meal.


View the Professional Series

Professional Series Range
Professional Series Range

A Bertazzoni Professional Series range serves as the focal point of the farmhouse kitchen. The pairing of finishes–stainless steel range, matte tile backsplash, nickel fixtures–creates a warm atmosphere in the space.


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Built-in Refrigerator
Built-in Refrigerator

Bertazzoni's built-in, panel-ready refrigerator seamlessly integrates into the existing kitchen design, providing an abundance of storage space and demonstrating close attention to detail inside and out.


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Perfect range & ventilation pairing
Perfect range & ventilation pairing

A Bertazzoni range, paired with it's accompanying canopy ventilation hood of the same size, creates an integrated kitchen suite optimized for entertaining. This kitchen holds twenty-four guests, so performance is crucial. And, the design cohesion rounds out the look of the overall space.


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Professional Series built-in ovens
Professional Series built-in ovens

A set of Bertazzoni Professional Series built-in ovens make up a high-efficiency cooking combination, suitable for both everyday cooking and larger-scale entertaining needs. Integrating seamlessly with the surrounding cabinetry and the other appliances in the space, the built-in ovens complete the kitchen from both a style and functionality standpoint.


View the Convection Steam Oven


View the Convection Oven